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Revealed... The Real Secrets of Psychic Power
...Discover how to be Clairvoyant, Telepathic, Read Auras, & Learn Precognition Methods Not Normally Taught...
Discover the Secrets to the Real Jedi Mind Trick, Third Eye Focusing, Psychic Power & Control
The Closed Door Secrets of This Training Will Enable You to Become Psychic, So Use it Wisely"!
The process of how you get your body, mind and spirit to work together starts with learning how to deeply relax your body, then your mind and allowing your spirit to break free from the confines of the body...
If you are like I was, you often wonder if you can really do these things...When I started out meditating, I wanted to experience this concept, yet I just couldn't do it...
As you read every word on this page, I want you to reflect on how this information can transform your life, starting today...And when I say that I really want you to go inward and even contemplate exactly how this material can affect you in a positve way, a way that will allow you to gain more control over your life...
"Finally the Esoteric Techniques and Concepts you have been looking for are in one very powerful course of study!"
Dear Friend,
Ever since I launched my website years ago, my clients have literally been begging me to come up with a comprehensive course on how to tap into the psychic centers of the mind...
If you could do these things, where would you go? What would you experience?
I've had volumes and volumes of notes on some of the most esoteric training methods just sitting on my shelves waiting for the right time...I mean, I've spent a small fortune in time and effort trying to find some of this stuff, so you can imagine my reluctance to just let this cat out of the bag!
I mean I got some techniques you just aren't going to find anywhere, and I just didn't know if I really wanted to release it, quite frankly...
But a strange thing happens when you meditate on situations, and that is what I did.. In fact, I knew I would get an answer to my delimma (in fact this is one of the powerful techniques I'll teach you to do)...
Why Should you Listen to Me?
Just Some of What I've Mastered Over The Years...
- Several Different Styles of Martial Arts (Kung Fu, Chinese Boxing, Kenpo)
- Became an Instructor in the Highly Sensitive and Esoteric Art of Chi Power Training (I'm now part owner of the world's most highly sought after instructional courses on chi energy)
- Mastered Hypnotic Influence and Covert Persuasion Skills in Under one (1) Year, and wrote my first book and course shortly after.
- Learned and Mastered the Skills of remote viewing and Astral Projection (I know it is weird, but this stuff rocks!)
- Re-discovered How to Establish My Own Sensitivity as It Relates to Psychic Energy
- Was Taught The Real Methods To the Secrets of "The Law of Attraction" ( I wrote my book Magneto, 4 years before "The Secret" even came out)
So, as you can see, I'm not some "wannabee" guy who copied someone's course and put their name on it. In fact a lot of the courses out there are written by guys who don't even use their real name... I'm real and will prove it to you...
Any questions just call me on my personal mobile phone-> 609-638-8850.
So I've studied with some really cool guys that know stuff that 95% of the population aren't even aware exists, and now I'm willing to share them with you...
Why would I do that?
Because if there is one thing I have learned over the years, and that is when you are a giver, you will attract more abundance in your life than ever before, and I'm all about abundance...
So, if you knew that by giving someone something of value that you would get twice, three times or 10 times that amount in value, would you give that up?
That is why I want you to have this information...
The Guy Just Sent Me Cash Money Out of The Blue!...
My answer came in the form of a substantial amount of money that one of my clients sent me... And I'm talking out of the blue. He sent me a check for more money than all of my products put together.
This motivated me (because I had no product that he was looking for) and got to work right away. Of course I gave this guy some personal instruction that allowed him to get this to work magnificently...
So like any half way intelligent person, I cashed his check and started writing and taking all these cool concepts and distilling it into methods that can be used by anyone at any time.
At one time, I had actually tape recorded (remember those old shoe box tape recorders?) conversations I had with several of my instructors, and started to listen to those sessions of training and began to build a system that I know works, because I do it and teach it every day!
I'm a writer, but probably not a very good one, but even I could see this was hot stuff!
I Didn't Even Want To Release This
I sent a rough draft over to a buddy and his first response was-> "Where have you been hiding this good stuff? This guy had been a friend for years, and I knew that if he liked it, I had something.
I knew I would have to condense all of the information down into a usable format, so that anyone that decided to study this information would be able to without any prior knowledge of psychic energy, meditation or any other type of esoteric training get it to work for them......
It took me 3 weeks just to compile the information to see what was useful and what wasn't. It took me another 7 weeks to start putting it together in a logical format. What I came up with were the most cutting edge, super charged techniques you could use to manipulate with psychic energy...
In case you didn't know, I've been selling the World Famous Chi Power Training Course for the last 10-15 years or so, so you can imagine, I have the experience and background with which to deliver something totally unique, that it will blow your ever loving mind!
As a matter of fact, I was going to be releasing information that some of my instructors warned me not to teach, but I wanted my clients to have ALL the information, not just some scraps!
With my new course, "Internal Power Centers", I show you high level of techniques to use your energy with. I go into some of the areas most requested by my clients and customers around the world. I'll teach the "Real Jedi Mind Trick" as so many people saw in the Original Star Wars Movie.....
So, I'm not going to waist your time with a long overblown sales letter, I'm just going to tell you whats in this dynamic program...

Mind Force Psychic Power - Internal Power Centers Manual
Here is Just a Small Sampling of What You'll Learn...
The Energy System
This section is designed to give your visitor a quick overview of the highlights that set your product apart.
Mind to Mind Communication
This section is designed to give your visitor a quick overview of the highlights that set your product apart.
It's important that this section is easily skimmable. Leave more in-depth descriptions for later.
Energy Manipulation for Healing, Controlling & Empowering
You can easily duplicate this layout to add more features or remove a row to highlight fewer features.
Psychic Self Defense
You can easily duplicate this layout to add more features or remove a row to highlight fewer features.
What if you could use your energy to maximize every area of your life, would you use it?
Most people want the secrets of the chosen few, but rarely are they ready to put in the appropriate flight time to succeed.
This is not a magic course, but a course that contains real methods to help you tap into that portion of yourself that many have forgotten after many years of desensitizaton from family, friends and others that would like to limit our abilities.
My goal here is simple........To Empower you to be the best you can be in all areas of your life. I want to teach you how to utilize your energy in such a magnificent way, that you will never have to ask the question......
What if!
In this brand new course, We'll will show you exactly how you can:
Got these Skills?
What our customers are saying:

Already Got His Moneys Worth...
"Thank you so much!!! Just by skimming the book, I can already tell I got my moneys worth!!!! I can't wait to get started with it......Thank you again... " William W.
William W. // TN

All The Way From Germany...
"I just want to say thanks for these products...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to give it a try."
MARKI G. // Germany

These Products Are Right On Target...
"As far as I am concerned your products are right on target and will surely help any one that takes the time and believes that they will work. I know from what I have done thus far that it has definitely made a difference in my life."
Lucky K. // FL

This is a Great Value...
""Is this a good value? holy crap! this is a great value. it is amazing! it has already enhanced my life, perception, and intent. It has also made my xing yi, bagua, and tai chi a hell of allot more meaningful and powerful and it has only been 2 days! thank you so much I cant wait to purchase more of your products. thank you so much!"
your friend and student Joseph P., Ohio
JOSEPH P. // Ohio
It's Probably More Than You Can Even Handle...
Here's what YOU Get Inside "Internal Power Centers"
This is the real deal...This is the manual that people have been talking about since I wrote it back in 2007. I waited to publish this information in print for 3 years because of the potentially powerful concepts explained...These notes are some of the most powerful concepts, methods and strategies for the creation of psychic power and awareness you will ever see anywhere...
This powerful concept allows you to gain access to parts of the mind and soul that 95% of the entire population will never even know...This process believe it or not, will get you even closer to God, once you understand that concept...
Now, You Can Learn What Took Me Years, in Only Days, Weeks or Months...
It took me many years to not only learn how to do many of these things, but years to just to compile the information to make sure I was covering all the bases.
You can find highly detailed and complex courses on Astral Projection, Remote Viewing and other topics, that will take you a long time just to understand the concepts, let alone get them to work for you......With this book and audios you are getting exactly what you need to get these concepts to work for you, and the best thing is that these methods have been used by thousands all over the world successfully...
With my new course, "Mind Portal", I show you the next level of techniques to use your energy with. The audios go into some of the areas most requested by our clients and customers around the world.
Key Concept: Does Travelling with Power Interest You?
If you really want to learn how to travel with power, this is precisely the information you have been looking for.
Most people want the secrets of the chosen few, but rarely are they ready to put in the appropriate flight time to succeed. This is not a magic course, but a course that contains real methods to help you tap into that portion of yourself that many have forgotten after many years of being told what you can and can't do....Remember, nothing is possible unless YOU BELIEVE!
My goal here is simple........To enable you to be the best you can be in all areas of your life. I want to teach you how to become proficient with all of these amazing skills, so you can truly know the power of your mind body and spirit......
In this course, I will show you exactly how you can do some really amazing things...
Get instant access to The Mind Portal now!
This is your "buy now" area. Represent your product visually, to make it more tangible. Describe in clear terms what your visitor will get when they make the purchase.

One of the key concepts to this entire process, is that you will finally (if not known already) that you are truly a "Spiritual Being". That your spirit is an everlasting entitity and that the body is just "temporary housing" for the spirit...
This powerful concept allows you to gain access to parts of the mind and soul that 95% of the entire population will never even know...This process believe it or not, will get you even closer to God, once you understand that concept...
Here Comes Another Text Section
As mentioned before, these text sections are multi-purpose. At this point on the page, we've highlighted the main features, introduced the product and presented some social proof. Many readers will still need a lot more convincing before they are ready to buy.
A text section like this is great for describing your product in detail and telling a story about the benefits it will bring to a customer. It is also a good idea to address potential objections that are on your reader's mind (e.g. "will this really work for me?") in text sections like this.
Enter your text here...
Here's What You Get Inside "The Mind Portal"
The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of your product. This could be an outline of chapters in your ebook, lessons in your course, modules in your coaching program etc. The reader should come away from this with a very clear idea of what they will get for their money.
The Mind Force Meditation Mind Portal Manual

FORMAT: Instant PDF Access
This is the real deal...This is the manual that people have been talking about since I wrote the original Mastery Through Meditation back in 2000. Once I updated it with more information on how to maximize your meditations and increase your ability to do spiritual travelling, OBEs, and Remote Viewing, I almost couldn't keep it in stock...
The Mind Portal Video #1- Fast Start Video

In this video, I'll explain to you exactly what you should do first with the training. I'll explain the process and how you can get a jump start to this amazing material...
The Mind Portal Video #2- How to Create Your Own Guided Meditation

This one is easily worth the cost of the entire program (combined with the 20 audio sound files I've added)...Now you can pick which meditation sounds you prefer and create your own customer guided meditations.
If you hired me or my staff to do this for you, we would easily charge you $100 per track...
You're getting 20 audio files, the scripts to use and how to use them, as well as a software system that will allow you to create Meditation, Affirmation, even Remote Viewing sessions on the fly...
The Mind Portal Video #3- How to Use Sounds, Feelings & Visualizations to Enhance Your Experience

A key component to getting the Mind Portal process down is understanding your own personal representational system. In this detailed video & audio file, I show you how to determine which system you are in and how you can use it to do amazing techniques such as Remote Viewing, Astral Projecting & Total Relaxation Techniques.
You will also receive the following
MP3 File of the Video
PDF File of the Video
The Mind Portal Audio Training Files

In These audio files, you will find the most detailed instruction ever on how to gain the Internal Power skills you desire...Several hours of instruction insures you the maximum instruction in these esoteric skills.
Mind Portal Includes 3 CDs/MP3s of Instruction
I When I wrote "Mastery Through Meditation, I alluded to the concept of Remote Viewing, Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences.
These phenomenon are concepts understood by many that learn a meditative practice....
The question is how many actually become adept at getting these highly advanced techniques to work for them in a real way?
After several years, I created an updated version with much more detailed information on how to do Astral Travel, Remote Viewing and other sneaky skills.
I will tell you up front that the (3) CDs that come with the system are the key to getting this to work powerfuly, but I have included the manuscript/manual in this promotion to give you some ideas how to get these concepts to work effectively...
With my book, "Mind Portal", I show you the next level of techniques to use your energy with. The CDs go into some of the areas most requested by our clients and customers around the world.
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn...
MP3 File of the Video
PDF File of the Video
The Mind Force Meditation Mind Portal Manual

FORMAT: Instant PDF Access
This is the real deal...This is the manual that people have been talking about since I wrote the original Mastery Through Meditation back in 2000. Once I updated it with more information on how to maximize your meditations and increase your abilty to do spiritual travelling, OBEs, and Remote Viewing, I almost couldn't keep it in stock...
A. Thomas Perhacs // Author, Creator, Visionary
Sifu Al Perhacs has been training in the esoteric arts for over 20 years. He started out as a martial artist and quickly moved to the internal side of training. He has written over 20 different courses of study and currently has 5 best selling books.
He is the Author, Creator and Visionary behind the Mind Force Method.
A. Thomas Perhacs
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Al Perhacs
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