Discover The Little-Known Hacks Used by Mind Force Specialists... Gain Astonishing Esoteric Skills & Become a Controller
The World's Quickest Method to Learn, Mind Force, Hypnotic Influence, Mentalism, Psychic Power, Chi Energy, Manifestation, Meditation & So Many Other Amazing Skills...
You Too Can Get These Amazing Concepts, Methods and Techniques to Work For You Like Thousands of Others From All Over The World Have With Our Proven System.
Extremely Limited: Now you DON'T have to Spend Countless Hours Searching for This Hard to Find Information...Get All 13 Blueprints/ 5 Volumes of "The Mind Force Library" System Only $97
Learn in Weeks What Has Taken Others Months or Years to Master...
If you really want to know how to accelerate your progress you need the right combination of exercises and techniques coupled with the hidden knowledge that make this type of training so profound. I will reveal for the first time (outside of my private mentoring students) the exact methods used to get extreme results in the fastest time possible.”
Sifu Al Perhacs (Author, Creator, Visionary behind THE MIND FORCE METHOD)

YES! – I’m ready to STOP missing out on the BIG results I deserve! I’m excited to find a system that will work for me. I Want To Take Advantage Of Your Extremely Generous Offer For THE MIND FORCE LIBRARY Now Before The Price Goes Up…I fully understand I get everything promised and exactly what I need to start creating incredible FOCUS & POWER, and I’m ready to reserve my seat TODAY for the system immediately. I also understand and agree to all other Terms and Conditions detailed on this page.
Here's What You're Getting...
Here’s What You’re Getting: Access to the online version and live training of THE MIND FORCE LIBRARY AND DISTILLED LEARNING SYSTEM. You’ll be privy to the ONLY training on the planet that will give you the skills that many masters went to their graves with...
Get immediate access...As you log-in to your members’ area and dive into this treasure trove of rare and hard to find esoteric training and access the "BONUS" training modules with Al Perhacs you will begin a transformation in your life...

Astonishing Concepts, Methods & Techniques That Work Like Houdini's Magic...
This is The Totally New & Updated Version of The Mind Force Library...
You'll Get Immediate Access to All 13 Manuals & Upgrades for Life!
You Can Get the Hard Copies from Amazon and Pay Over $150 with No Bonuses and No Updated Manuals. Get Them From This Site Only and Save Over 50% and Get Hundreds of Dollars In Bonuses...

Why Should You Even Believe Anything I Say?
After years of studying with some of the very best master instructors of “Closed Door Esoteric Arts & Sciences”, Hypnosis & Mind Control, I can show how to easily and effectively become a controller of yourself as well as increase and enhance your psychic sensitivity and awareness...
I have been successfully using & teaching these techniques in business as well as in my personal life for over 20 years, so I know the real world aspects of how these concepts work, and can show you how they can work powerfully for you too….
Some of the top Qigong, Hypnosis, Meditation Gurus & Mentalists are hopping mad that I let a lot of this highly guarded information out of the bag. In fact many of my former teachers have tried to put a lid on me teaching this to others...
I have been successfully selling these manuals and courses for 15 years with satisfied customers all over the world. I have been on radio stations throughout the country and have been asked as a personal consultant to those that seek reliable information on Esoteric Training,Mind Control and Hypnotic Manipulation.
Discover Skills That Will Astonish, Hypnotize, Energize & Mesmerize All You Come in Contact With...
“WARNING”…. The techniques and instructions work very well, so make sure you use your best judgement and caution while trying to use them…
Every manual I've created over the years was built from my own notes studying with some of the best esoteric teachers from all over the world...
My promise to you is that you won't find better information on Chi Power, Hypnosis, Psychic Energy, Meditation, Attraction Skills, Dim Mak and other unique skills anywhere else at this astounding price...
Unleash The Power of YOUR Mind, Body & Spirit & Rapidly Master Esoteric Skills...
With these 13 professionally written and designed manuals, you’ll now have answers to some of the greatest mysteries known to man.
Each manual contains several different manuscripts, so in fact you’re getting ten (13) complete training manuals with The Mind Force Library.
In fact, each one of these manuals sells online everyday in Digital Format for $27.00 each. That's a $270 value if you purchase each of these manuals separately in digital format.
Go to Amazon and you'll pay $30+ each for a total of over $150, and that doesn't include ANY bonus items (See Above)
When you get access to your digital copy today, you pay only $97 for all 13 manuals.
Save an Amazing 50% off the regular price of $150 from Amazon or other book sellers.
See below for all the special options and bonuses you will receive...
This offer is only available from this page and once you close this page, the offer will be gone...
Get access today, you'll be glad you did.
These Manuals Hold Many Keys...
Created From My Own Notes on Qi, Hypnosis, Psychic Energy, Meditation, & Other Hidden Esoteric Practices...
Collection 1: Hypnotic Influence

Manual 1: Manipulation
The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence

Taken from my personal notes, I place this book as one of the best reference manuals on how to Influence and persuade with power…
Recently updated, this masterful work will give you the skills needed to take your hypnotic techniques to a new level…
This book has been sold for as much as $39.95 by itself, and I may even decide to remove it from the library because of it’s immense value…
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn…

Learn Mind Power Methods Used By The Master Mentalists: How to get into someone s head and get them to verify that your suggestion is the right suggestion

Discover the concept of Hypnotic Distancing: Learn the six (6) covert influencing techniques to persuade at a distance, where time and space is not a limitation

Adapt “The Persona”: Generate the bold and confident attitude of a Master Persuader

Unlock high velocity energy transmissions to get someone s attention: Invoke someone to do what you want, when you want.

Quadruple Your Rapport Skills: Build Rapport with someone new like they were an old, long lost friend

Bonding Tactics that work like magic: How to get people to Know You, Like You, and Trust you on the spot

Hypnotize & Influence Instantly: Exactly what it says!! Instant induction methods! Put the trance on so fast, the person won’t even know they’re under your influence!!

Close to 70 Suggestive Sentences: These are some of the most powerfully suggestive predicates that all of the most successful hypnotists use to influence with control.Easily worth the cost of the entire book

Stimulus Response Triggers and how to set them: Use this method to leave behind post hypnotic suggestions and triggers that will be a potent mechanism to recall the same state as when you originally hypnotized them.

Lose Weight, Earn More Money, Find Love: When you are the controller, anything is possible

Harnessing Your Voice as a Propulsion System: How creating a commanding Power Voice will increase your ability to hypnotize exponentially

Use The Applied Transfixion Tactic: Five (5) super powerful ways to induce a trance like state within anyone at anytime

The Dominance of Autosuggestion: The 7 key ways to put yourself into a trance to create an even stronger trance in others

Applied Force Techniques: Advanced language patterns designed specifically to persuade and influence in any area

Instantly have the power and confidence to know you are in control of a situation, Every time you use it….We call it “POWER MIND” (Advanced Concept)

How to guarantee your skills will work under “real conditions”!

Subliminal Influence at the Highest Level: Subliminal phrases that work so well you ll think you are cheating

Create your own techniques on the fly that will work every time)

Instantaneous Suggestibility: How to phrase things with a smoothness that generates instant suggestibility

Initiate a Conversation with presuppositions: Recognize why certain sentences presuppose an outcome that you design

Golden Key Method of Covert Persuasion: Using emotional language to get people to want what your offering

Mental Re-focusing Techniques: The one technique that ties someone s mind up so that you can gently place a command right in

And SO much More...
Special Limited Time Bonuses-- You Won't Find These Bonuses Anywhere Else But Here!

Limited Time Bonus Document--Manipulation Quick Reference Guide
This special Quick Reference Guide will allow you access to special notes that A.Thomas Perhacs created after the publication of the book for his private mentoring students. You will have at your fingertips the most comprehensive review guide on how to use Hypnotic Influence and Manipulation.
$19.95 Value
Limited Time Bonus Video--Manipulation Video Guide
This special Quick Reference Videos Guide will allow you access to special notes that A.Thomas Perhacs created after the publication of the book for his private mentoring students. You will have at your fingertips the most comprehensive review guide on how to use Hypnotic Influence and Manipulation.
$29.95 Value

Limited Time Bonus Audio--Manipulation Reference Audio Guide
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
$19.95 Value
Manual 2: The Hypnotic Influence Blueprint

The Hypnotic Influence Blueprint is the study of how to hypnotize others.
This one manual it could be the only reference you need for your hypnotic influence skills
Many books which cost twice as much as this or more contain less info than this dynamic study of Hypnosis.
Talk about power… The Hypnotic Influence Blueprint contains insights into every imaginable form of Hypnosis.

Rapid Induction Methods Guaranteed to Work

Hypnosis by Passes

Proper Instruction for Using a Pendulum

How to Use Hypnodisks and other Devices

Effective Methods for Use with a Metronome

How to do Sleep Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Pain

Drug Hypnosis

Picture Visualization

Sensormotor Methods

Fractionation Methods

Hand Levitation Methods

Counting Techniques for Success

Non Verbal Suggestion Skills

How to Produce Anesthesia During Hypnosis

Eye and Arm Catalepsy Methods

Ideometor Methods

And Much, Much More.
Special Limited Time Bonuses-- You Won't Find These Bonuses Anywhere Else But Here!

Bonus Video & Audio File--$60 Value
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
$60 Value

Bonus Video & Audio File--$60 Value
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
$60 Value
Manual 3: The Mind Force Closed Door Self Hypnosis Total Control Files
Manual 3: Mind Force Closed Door Self Hypnosis Total Control Files

Teaches several different methods of self hypnosis that you can use.
This one manual it could be the only reference you need for your hypnotic influence skills
Many books which cost twice as much as this or more contain less info than this dynamic study of Hypnosis.

Discover Hypnosis Fact or Fiction?

Learn The Semantic Imagery Exercises

Learn The 10 Rules for Structuring Auto-Suggestions

Learn The 6 Rules for Applying Auto-Suggestions

Discover Trance Deepening Techniques Not Taught Elsewhere

How to do Sleep Hypnosis

How to Actually Test a Hypnotic Trance In Yourself and Others

How Emotional Behavior Plays a Role in Self Hypnosis

Discover The Concept of Neurol-Dynamics

Understanding Psychosomatic Disorders and How The Can Affect You

The 8 Powerful Rules of the Mind

How To Develop The Power of Your Creative Imagination

And Many More Useful and Potent Techniques and Concepts

SO Much More…
Special Limited Time Bonuses-- You Won't Find These Bonuses Anywhere Else But Here!

Bonus Audio File--$29.95 Value
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
$29.95 Value
Manual 4: The 12 Devices that Almost Instantly Hypnotize

This is one of the three (3) powerful Hypnosis methods. You’ll learn more in these 3 manuals than most full blown courses, and that’s a promise!

Developing the Intensity of your gaze

Mental Preparations for Hypnotism

Practice Autosuggestion

Build up your energy

Reinforce the effect through suggestion

Utilize the "mirror" effect

Devices for developing a potent gaze

Using your hands as transmitters
Special Limited Time Bonuses--
You Won't Find These Bonuses Anywhere Else But Here!

Bonus Audio File--$29.95 Value
Same content as the video so you can load it onto your favorite audio mp3 player and have access to it when ever you want.
$29.95 Value
Manual 5: Hypnotic Abundance

The Hypnotic Abundance Affect System contains the secrets you need to learn how to use hypnotic influence concepts to move your mind into an abundance frame...

Take the concepts you will be learning and adapt it to your current understanding of how to be an effective "Abundance Creation Specialist"

Create an overflowing amount of value in your life

Add the "Hypnotic Affect", to get the super-generating power of your subconscious mind working for you.

And SO Much More...
You get all three (3) manuals in one beautifully designed master volume as well as immediate downloads of the electronic versions (a $27 value)…
Collection 2: Mind Force

Manual 6: Mind Force Meditation

The Secret Mind Portal is the Mind Force Meditation manual that has been instructing people from all over the world with "Esoteric Meditation" methods.
Originally used a thesis for his Internal Kung Fu instructor, A. Thomas Perhacs created this from his notes taken from various master instructors.
Real Value: $27 Digital / $39.95 Hard Cover
The Secret Mind Portal will teach you some of the most highly regarded meditation techniques ever compiled…
You’ll learn:

Basics of Meditation

Out of Body Methods

Remote Viewing

Astral Projection

Lucid Dreaming

Learn how to harness the power of your own personal “Mind Stilling Technique”

Many different techniques to learn how to tap into your psychic centers profoundly

Learn powerful techniques you can use as you design your own custom meditation game plan

Every page of this book contains secrets of the esoteric meditation process.
Manual 7: Mind Force Attraction-The Magneto Method

The Secret Mind Portal is the Mind Force Meditation manual that has been instructing people from all over the world with "Esoteric Meditation" methods.
Originally used a thesis for his Internal Kung Fu instructor, A. Thomas Perhacs created this from his notes taken from various master instructors.
Real Value: $27 Digital / $39.95 Hard Cover
The Magneto Method will teach you some of the most highly regarded Law of Attraction techniques ever compiled…You’ll learn:

The 4 secrets ways to visualize your goals more powerfully

Increase your Internal Energy like a Human Dynamo: Power up with unique exercises and techniques used by top athletes, martial artists and health aficionados

Learn Advanced Mind Power Secrets: Gain a great understanding of how your mind really works and the way to get it to work for you, not against you

Leveraging, Controlling and Redirecting Your Mind: True mind control is both physical and mental, learn how to get the leverage you need for total and complete control

How to Target Your Goals & Objectives like a Marksman: Quit setting goals and start getting them with these effective strategies

The 3 types of natural energy that allow you to supercharger your attraction mechanisms

Several unique methods of breathing made famous by Shaolin Monks, Yogis and other highly evolved practitioners.

The main difference between positive and negative Ion force and the 5 ways to determine how to use each in specific situations

7 ways to sense vibrational energy to turn on the magneto for your goals

The correct way to use 7 different emotional ploys that allow you to jack up your attraction energy like a dynamo

The 9 mental impurities you must avoid at all costs and why almost 95% of the population don’t succeed because of them

The amazing “Balloon Head” exercise that purges impure or negative thoughts like sending a rocket to the moon!

The Secrets to “Mental Fasting”, and how you can use it to lose negative mental weight that holds most people back from achieving

The one amazing programming technique to control your emotional level at all times

The 4 very important keys to attraction and the programming methods that get them to work effectively every time they are used

Set a Total Trajectory of Success for Yourself: Whether it is to attract prosperity, romance, love, sex or health, Magneto has the answers
Manual 8: Mind Force Psychic Energy Internal Power Centers

Your life will never be the same after reading this thought provoking guide on how to access "Your Psychic Self".
Internal Power Centers contains many techniques and methods that will allow you to start the recognition process of how your psychic mind, body, and spirit work together.
Simple sensitivity exercises to open up your body to receive psychic energy and then interpret it for your own use.
A truly amazing guide!
Real Value: $27 Digital / $39.95 Hard Cover
The Magneto Method will teach you some of the most highly regarded Law of Attraction techniques ever compiled…You’ll learn:





Time Travel

Psychic Self Defense

...and other esoteric skills
Manual 9: Mind Force Manifesto

After reading this manuscript you may naturally feel as if a door has opened up in your mind, an understanding if you will that can allow you to grasp the simplicity of these ideas and cause you to use them to your advantage.

Discover the Shortcuts to all Manifestation Techniques

Discover the Integration of "The Triad" for even More Powerful Manifestation

Esoteric Meditations

Psychic Abilities

Laws of Attraction Methods

Healing Methods

You Can Master the Six Laws

Hypnotic Influence & Covert Persuasion

Affirmations & Autosuggestions

And SO Much More...
You get all three (3) manuals in one beautifully designed master volume as well as immediate downloads of the electronic versions (a $27 value)…
Collection 3: Chi Power

Manual 10: Chi Power Blueprint

This is without a doubt one of the most unique training guides ever. You will learn in very concise and precise ways how to do some amazing techniques. Using science and the understanding of physics, you'll begin to understand the power of your own mind, body and spirit.
Here's just a sampling of what you'll learn.

Chi Power Breathing

Yin and Yang Power

Chi Animal Control

Focusing Yang Energy

Moving a Straw with Chi Energy

Putting Out a Candle Flame with Chi Energy

Keeping Warm or Cold with Chi Energy

Chi Power for Protection

Chi Time Control

And many other unique and amazing methods
When you order the set of manuals today, I’m going to throw in the following bonuses that I know You're going to love.

Chi Power Bonus #1--Master Secrets of Qigong
If this wasn’t good enough, we also included in this hard copy edition our very popular “MASTER SECRETS OF QIGONG” report…This report will give you insights to topics and concepts most Qigong instructors don’t even know about, let alone teach…
Real Value: $27 Yours FREE Today

Chi Power Bonus #2--Chi Power Blueprint Seminar
This seminar was done live for a group of students in our $97/month membership several years ago. The only way you could have access to this information was to be a member and pay $97 per month until now...This seminar will help you to better understand the concepts taught in the Chi Power Blueprint.
Real Value: $97 Yours FREE Today

Chi Power "Super" Bonus #3--The 23 Most Asked Questions about the Chi Power Blueprint
We decided to gather up the top questions asked about The Chi Power Blueprint and distill these questions into the 23 most asked questions.
This bonus 2 hours+ is like having a personal mentoring call to answer any of your questions about The Chi Power Blueprint…
These questions are answered in 23 MP3 files that you can immediately download to get all of the information.
My personal opinion, is this is the best addition we’ve made to this training in years. This will cut down your time to get things to work and you’ll see the benefits and value of The Chi Power Blueprint much more clearly.
Real Value: $97 Yours for FREE for a very Limited Time!
Manual 11: Dim Mak Secrets

This is without a doubt one of the most unique training guides ever. You will learn in very concise and precise ways how to do some amazing techniques. Using science and the understanding of physics, you'll begin to understand the power of your own mind, body and spirit.
Dim Mak Power Striking
If you’ve ever wanted to know the secrets of the clandestine art of Death Point Striking or Dim Mak, you’ve got an opportunity to get what you’ve been seeking…
Our Dim Mak Course, which includes (3) three striking and healing chart posters, has been a best seller for years…The one thing missing was a nice concise high quality manual for you to have to learn this information even better…
Here are just a few of the things you’ll discover:

Learn the exact placement of all of the most deadly striking points with our beautiful full color Dim Mak Power Striking Posters.

Can quickly locate the most potent Dim Mak points on your opponent for either a quick disabling or totally "Take Out".

Uncover hidden methods of training so rare that your colleagues will will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born. (Heck they might just pay YOU to teach these highly guarded strategies to them, so they’ll be in the know!

How to learn the secret of taking these concepts and integrating it with your current style of martial art. No need to learn a new style, just apply these concepts to your chosen style of fighting.

Discover a trick that will allow you to hit ten times harder than you ever have before (It might surprise you!)

A magical secret that reveals exactly how to put together striking combinations as well as become proficient at isolating your ability to strike these points at will.

Find out why some people have a non-reaction to a strike…and how you can beat them every time all the time by taking advantage of that fact.

Unearth the one secret "Diamond Point" method that will increase your ability to hit your target by 110%.

How to guarantee your skills will work under “battle conditions”!

How to legally and ethically use these points in a confrontation without killing or maiming!

Create your own techniques on the fly that will work every time

Discover THE best way to strike while your attacker is standing or on the ground!

The Ultimate Striking tools, and how to use them under high-stress situations.

Instantly have the power and confidence to know you are in control of a situation, way before it gets physical… We call it “POWER MIND” (Advanced Concept)

And SO Much More...
This manual contains 3 separate manuscripts at an incredible price and value…
Because we have always believed in delivering more than you expect, we’ve included 2 additional manuals with the Dim Mak Information.
We included our Acupressure Points for Healing Instruction Guide.
Dim Mak Bonus--Stretching Tips
You’ll also receive our famous “Stretching Tips” instruction on stretching and how you can learn to perform extreme flexibility, even Chinese Splits!
People have raved about this simple yet effective training for years, and it’s yours as part of this amazing collection of unique methods.

Bonus - Pressure Points Charts
Because we believe in over-delivering to our customers, we have decided to include with this library, smaller versions of our three (3) pressure points and dim mak posters. Now, these aren’t the full size wall posters that you receive with our Dim Mak System, but they are wonderful 8 1/2 X 11 full color charts you can use to pin point the location of the acupressure or dim mak points. You will love them.

You’ll also receive a third chart, not pictured here.
Manual 12: Secrets of Self Defense

This intensive manual will show you many different concepts, methods and tactics to stay safe and know that if it comes down to it, you’ll have an arsenal of techniques and strategies to use.

The four zones of attack and why every fighter needs to be proficient in each

The four zones of attack and why every fighter needs to be proficient in each

Centerline Concept

The one major secret that will allow you to win 95% of all fights you’re in.

Line familiarization and why you need to know it.

Real self-defense methodologies, including muggings, car-jackings and other attacks.

Where most crimes happen and how you can prevent them from ever occurring.

Discover the importance of awareness and how you can have a warning mechanism for all potentially dangerous situations.

The (5) mental weaknesses and how to avoid them.

Basic Vital Targets, including the (3) you want burned into your brain at all times.

Why a knife can be more dangerous than a gun in certain situations

Realistic ideas for defending against a gun wielding attacker.

The mental tactics that all warriors use.
All for Immediate Download
Real Value: $27-Digital
Manual 13: Acupressure Points for Healing Guide

This intensive manual will show you many different concepts, methods and tactics to stay safe and know that if it comes down to it, you’ll have an arsenal of techniques and strategies to use.

Basic Directions How to stop pain, swelling, bruising on bumps and strains

How to remove sinus headaches & congestion

How to remove a migraine headache

Pressure Points for Protection & Self-Defense




Shoulder Pain


Muscle Pain

Neck Muscle Problems

Upper Backache

Lower Backache & Sciatic Pain

Menstrual Cramps

Pain in Groin

Cramps or Pain in the Arms

Elbow Pain (Tennis Elbow)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Stiff or Painful Fingers

Cramps/Pains in the Legs

Knee Pain

Stiff or Painful Arthritic Feet and Toes

Relief of Pain from Hemorrhoids

Hard Contact Sports Chinese & American Splits

Common Household Remedies
All for Immediate Download
Real Value: $27-Digital
(Coming Soon) The Dark Side of Chi

Every element has light and dark, yin and yang, positive and negative. The dark side is all about control. It's about how to avoid those who want to control you and how you always maintain the upper hand.
(Coming Soon) All New & Updated "Master Secrets of Qigong"

Every element has light and dark, yin and yang, positive and negative. The dark side is all about control. It's about how to avoid those who want to control you and how you always maintain the upper hand.
Get Close to $1,000 in Bonuses Absolutely FREE...
Super Bonus 1: The Distilled Learning System:
Super-Charged High Performance Learning Method

Al Perhacs has cracked the code of how to develop really cool skills with his "Distilled Learning System".
Over the years these highly guarded secrets were distilled into a complete system of how to get these forbidden or hidden concepts, methods and techniques to work for the average person, quickly...
One of the coolest things he's taught people is how you can feel your own or someone else's chi energy in under 5 minutes...Not only that, but he will show you how you can do it even through a closed door!
I know pretty weird right?
Over the last 20+ years, Sifu Al Perhacs has trained thousands in the Art and Science of Mind Force & Quantum Qigong. He's the teachers teacher when it comes to these kind of closed door concepts.
He put the pieces together and discovered a method that systematically teaches how esoteric skills when combined in a specific pattern, can be developed in an accelerated fashion...
This "Distilled Learning System" allowed a novice to learn esoteric skills like Chi Power, Covert Persuasion, Hypnotic Influence & Psychic Energy in a way that exponentially cuts down on the time it takes to perfect the technique...
And now for a very limited time he is offering a complementary glimpse into his "Distilled Learning System".
Why would he do this?
Because he is beta-testing some new elements and needs your feedback. Once he fine tunes and tweaks it, he'll be charging hundreds of dollars for it.
Check out some of the most cutting edge concepts and advanced training you'll take away in this Very Limited Time Bonus training.

Weekly Online Workshops--Keeping Pace & Working Deep
Each week, a different core concept of the method will be covered and how you can use that method to use the systems and tools in The Mind Force Library. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get immediate feedback on each lesson.
$99 Value
MP3 Audio Files --Instant Download for Everyday Use
After each week's session, you'll be able to download it in MP3 audio format to listen to on your favorite audio player. This will allow you to listen to all the concepts discussed in the weeks training for better mental assimilation.
$49 Value

PDF Documents of The Classes--Read Whenever You Need a Lift
You will also get access to documentation of the 6 week training system and any other bonuses that will be included. You can print them out as a reference or view as PDF files on your Kindle or Ipad.
$29 Value
Online Software --The Key to Keeping Focused & Going Deep
You will be provided access to an online software that details out all of the steps and allows you to track your progress on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The key to learning success is not the knowledge but the execution. When you put in the "flight time", you'll get amazing results that very few achieve...
$99 Value

This is One of my Most Ambitious Projects to Date...
You will get Access to the first 2 weeks/ 14 days of my totally new “Distilled Learning System Boot Camp”. This 6 week live coaching program will show you exactly how you can use this method to accelerate your Mind Force skills day in and day out to effectively become a World Class Controller….
Since this is in beta, and not yet fully working and testing needed, I am allowing you Free 14 day access to the first 2 live sessions of this Boot Camp and then when you like what you are learning, you can continue at the Special preferred rate of only $39.97 for 2 payments (less than $10 per weekly training session).
The 7 Core Concepts You'll Discover in This Amazing Bonus Training

Discover the "Distilled Learning System' Secrets

Accelerated Learning through the concept of Immersion

Conceptual Awareness Training

Vision Merging Basics

Muscle Memory Recognition

Imaginative Perception

Slow Speed Synchronization
And other very Cool Cutting Edge Stuff...
If you wish to cancel, just contact our support staff here before the 2 weeks is up and we will cancel your boot camp immediately..
(This Boot Camp Will Be Going Up to $197 once this beta version is complete)
You Pay Nothing Extra Today! After the 14 day/ 2 week trial, you’ll be billed 2 payments of $39.97 (my special new customer price) …
This FREE trial can and might be removed at any time, so know that you are among the first to learn this dynamic information
The 6 Week Distilled Learning Boot Camp will Start with the First Workshop Immediately Upon Registering
Super Bonus 2: The Classic Collection of Books:
These books will add fuel to the fire of your learing
I've put together some great bonus items for you...These are not just some old rehashed items, but ones I knew you could use in your ability to become a "Controller". Now keep in mind that some of the bonuses are "Secret Bonuses" that only you will know about.
My competition has been copying my stuff since 2001 and I want to make sure that some of it is only for my valued clients. Once you order, many of the bonuses will be right on the Thank You page, while others will be sent to you throughout your first week...
You are going to love them..

Now these bonuses, I can't sell to you, but I can offer them to you under "fair use" copyright law. These bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this very special limited time promotion (just check, if you think I'm kidding).

Bonus Book #1 --Think & Grow Rich
What can I say other than this is one of the books that truly made a major impact on my success in life. This one, you will want to read over and over, because it has so much valuable information that is priceless!
Value: Priceless
Bonus Book #2--The Richest Man In Babylon
Here you have a guide to teach you how to handle your money properly. Told in a very easy to read narrative, this is another time-less classic you should not be without.
Value: Priceless

Bonus Book #3--The Science of Getting Rich
A common sense guide to put yourself on the road to riches. This books was written in 1910, but the concepts still work in the 21st Century.
Value: Priceless
Bonus Book #3--The Art of War
The Ultimate Strategy guide. Can be used for business or any areas of your life. Remember the movie Wall Street with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen? This was the book, Gordon Gecko (Douglas) suggested Bud (Sheen) read on how to become a major player in business.
Value: Priceless

Super Bonus 3: Online Workshop on How to Super-Charge Your Mind Force Skills
This Special "FREE" Training Session Could Change The Direction of Your Life...

And on this special Online Workshop I'm going to give you a glimpse into what it takes to get these esoteric principles to work like crazy... You see, I have so many cool techniques I share on the MIND FORCE FRAMEWORK, techniques you can learn to master over a period of time...
One of those techniques is "SECRET MIND FOCUSING", which is a super secret technique designed to instantly change the power of your mind or how to inflict control over others...
This is powerful stuff...
I know You've never heard of the "SECRET MIND FOCUSING" technique, because it was taught it to less than 5 people, and now I'm are looking to open it up to those who qualify for My Complete INNER CIRCLE SYSTEM.
Are you getting excited yet?
The INNER CIRCLE SYSTEM, remember is something I'll talk a little bit about on the workshop and it will answer a lot of your questions and probably cause some new ones. Frankly, I'm getting a little worried because I think some of these methods are a little too powerful to teach...
Very bad news if it gets into the wrong hands...
And that's why I've always been so hush-hush about it... Plus, there's the fact that only a couple other people
in the world know it ...besides some of MIND FORCE Specialists and myself.
This means no matter where you look or how hard you look, you won't find these methods anywhere..
You could visit so-called Gurus or Masters all day long and not find one that will have the secrets you will be privy to...
And speaking of these So-Called Gurus or Masters, within a year or two, your overall MIND FORCE POWER will be more highly developed than 90% of the instructors out there...
Well, I decided to cave under the pressure A LITTLE BIT and share some of this stuff.
...But I won't be sharing it with my entire email list.
I may decide to do so at a later time, but for now, I'm going to let just a handful of people get a glimpse of it.
Once you attend and complete the entire SECRET TRIAD METHOD WORKSHOP, you will be qualified to get a glimpse into my INNER CIRCLE IMMERSION SYSTEM, which I promise is only for the best of the best...
Now these bonuses, I can't sell to you, but I can offer them to you under "fair use" copyright law. These bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this very special limited time promotion (just check, if you think I'm kidding).
Value: $100
Super Bonus 4: 30 Minute Phone Consultation with Al Perhacs
Private Mentoring and Coaching Session

This extremely limited time bonus, gets you 30 minutes with Al.
This is Valued at $150 as he usually charges $300/hour for mentoring and coaching calls. Go through the material and then speak to the author, creator and visionary behind the Mind Force Method and get a customized road map for your pathway to excellence.
Value: $150
Let’s be frank, you would be just plain stupid to miss this offer. It’s like getting $10 tickets to the Super Bowl.
Remember “The Mind Force Library is sold online at Amazon and some of the best online retailers at a cost of Over $150 without all the bonuses I'm giving you.Trust me, the manuals alone should get you excited to get this immediately, but let me just recap the bonus items at $1,000 in real world value for you to make this a no brainer...
Why am I giving you access to bonuses that cost more than the product itself?
I believe in "Over-Delivering" and that is exactly what I've done here... Once you see and experience the value of what this has to offer, you will want to join me in some of my other boot camps and other training systems.If you want, you give first...
That is a universal law that has always worked for me...Check the bonuses that you can't get anywhere else but here below...
Let's Recap Everything You Get...

The Complete Mind Force Library (13 Manuals/Blueprints)
$27/ Manual
Total Value: $351

Manipulation Quick Start Guide
Total Value: $20

Limited Edition Manipulation Audio & Video Files
Total Value: &20

Limited Edition Hypnotic Influence Audio & Video Files
Total Value: $60

Limited Edition Closed Door Self Hypnosis Audio & Video Files
Total Value: $60

Limited Edition 12 Devices Audio File
Total Value: $20

Limited Edition Master Secrets of Qigong Report
Total Value: $27

Chi Power Blueprint Seminar Audio MP3
Total Value: $100

23 Most Asked Questions About The Chi Power Blueprint
Total Value: $100

Printable High Quality Pressure Points Poster with Special Stretching Techniques
Total Value: $25

Printable High Quality Dim Mak Poster
Total Value: $25

Super Bonus #1- The Distilled Learning System 14 Day Trial
Total Value: $200

Super Bonus #2- Classic Books Collection
Total Value: Priceless

Super Bonus #3- FREE Online Training Workshop
Total Value: $100

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Total Value: $150
That's $947 in Added Bonuses!
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Over $1,000 in Real World Value. Select Your Option Below.
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The Chi Power Collection
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The Hypnotic Collection
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If you are looking for magic tricks and something that doesn't take some good old fashioned work, then this isn't for you. If you are lazy and just looking for some kind of secrets to fall in your lap, this isn't for you. If you think you can get good just by reading or watching videos, this is not for you. If you're not willing to put in the work and flight time, just forget this and LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW!

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I guarantee you'll see results providing you follow the prescribed methods contained in this system. I know this system works as it has for thousands of people from all over the world. If you go through all of the exercises and find they don't work for you, I'll continue to work with you until you get them to work... Most of my clients see results quickly, which means they will start to begin the manifestation process. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get magnificent results!
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Now, You Can Learn What Took Me Years, in Only Days, Weeks or Months...
It took me many years to not only learn how to do many of these things, but years to just to compile the information to make sure I was covering all the bases.
You can find highly detailed and complex courses on Esoteric Training and other topics, that will take you a long time just to understand the concepts, let alone get them to work for you......With this book and audios you are getting exactly what you need to get these concepts to work for you, and the best thing is that these methods have been used by thousands all over the world successfully...
With my new course, "The Mind Force Library System", I show you the next level of techniques to use your energy with. The audios go into some of the areas most requested by our clients and customers around the world.
Sifu Al Perhacs has been training in the esoteric arts for over 20 years. He started out as a martial artist and quickly moved to the internal side of training. He has written over 20 different courses of study and currently has 5 best selling books.
He is the Author, Creator and Visionary behind the Mind Force Method.
He is also the first person to create an online training curriculum for the advancement of Mind Force and Quantum Qigong.
He is the author and curator of 5 best selling books including, The Chi Power Blueprint, Manipulation, Master Secrets of Hypnosis, Dim Mak Secrets, and Mind Force Secrets.
A. Thomas Perhacs // Author, Creator, Visionary
A. Thomas Perhacs
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