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Discover the Methods of the Master Hypnotists, Guru's, Shamans, Healers, Mentalists, and Other Practitioners of the "Mystical" Arts & Sciences...
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Many tried to stop me from publishing this insightful information over the years. Even some of my own teachers vowed to never speak with me again as a result of me publishing these advanced, concepts, methods and rarely seen techniques...
They say knowledge is power, but that is only partially true. It is the actual use of that knowledge that gets you the power. These books/manuals are for those who want a real method that works once they put in the necessary "flight time". A. Thomas Perhacs, Author, Creator, Visionary of The Mind Force Method
13 Manuals/Books Covering Many Different Aspects of Physical, Mental & Spiritual Practices...
Includes "The 6 Powerful Laws of the Mind" learnings. Powerful concepts to kick start your understanding of how your creative mind works.
To affect change you need to effect your mind in a positive manner in order to produce an abundance mindset. Using "Control Factor" elements to procure amazing results consistently.
Essential training for esoteric meditation skills. Easy to understand and apply. Learn basics of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Healing and other unique concepts
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
Essential training for esoteric meditation skills. Easy to understand and apply. Learn basics of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Healing and other unique concepts
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
Take your psychic gifts and intuitions to a new level with this maximum packed manual of psychic training methods. This book is favored by those who want to hone their skills to a razors edge.
The "Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence". Used as a model for any type of influence for business, sales, personal relationships or deep personal work.
Essential training for esoteric meditation skills. Easy to understand and apply. Learn basics of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Healing and other unique concepts
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
This manual includes just about every conceivable way to hypnotize someone whether they know it or not. Even very secretive stage hypnotists methods are revealed for the first time.
All hypnosis is SELF HYPNOSIS. Learn many different methods of self hypnosis and controls. Discover why affirmations and auto suggestions work if you know these specific guidelines.
Essential training for esoteric meditation skills. Easy to understand and apply. Learn basics of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Healing and other unique concepts
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
Are there secrets to the hypnotic spirals and designs that are so common today? Do they actually contain an energy that can influence? These and other questions are answered in this very thought provoking manual. Most hypnotists don't even know the methods contained in this book...
One of the most unique manuscripts ever published. Learn how to externalize your chi energy with very simple, yet effective methods. Over 15 different methods of how to use your chi energy. Very highly recommended and a best seller for years.
Essential training for esoteric meditation skills. Easy to understand and apply. Learn basics of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Healing and other unique concepts
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
Learn the ancient art of "Poison Hand" or Dim Mak. These specific points can maim or heal with just a touch. Discover the most effectivel way to strike. This is not for the weak and includes methods that could harm and even kill.
Acupressure is the science of using focused pressure on a specific part in the body. Using our specially designed charts, you can learn how to effectively take away common pain in just minutes.
This common sense guide is about violence and how to avoid it and also how to deal with it when you're in a tight spot. Covers not only the physical but the important avoidance & mental strategies to stay alive in a serious situation.
Every element has light and dark, yin and yang, positive and negative. The dark side is all about control. It's about how to avoid those who want to control you and how you always maintain the upper hand.
Some have called this simple manual-- "The Law of Attraction on Steroids". Many techniques and concepts for immediate manifestation application.
“Find Out Why Thousands of People From All Over The World Have Successfully Used This Method for Over 20 Years...”
Secrets are secrets until they are revealed...The Mind Force Library allows you to learn methods that actually work. Over 20 years, techniques have been refined, some have been thrown out and some have been created to help the practitioner to understand their own pathway...
"Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own"
--Bruce Lee
"I just want to say thanks for these products...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to give it a try."
/ Germany
Love your stuff! Looking forward to more. The training is more intense than I thought and so much more satisfying as well.
Jeremy D.
/ CA
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your friend and student Joseph P., Ohio
Joseph P.
/ Ohio
The keys to learning new skills is implementation and execution. One can read 1,000 books, but without putting in the necessary "flight time" or "execution time" you'll never be able to call the skill "Your Own". That's why each book/manual we publish has a complete curriculum that will allow you to maximize your skills in the shortest time possible...
Sifu Al Perhacs has been training in the esoteric arts for over 20 years. He started out as a martial artist and quickly moved to the internal side of training. He has written over 20 different courses of study and currently has 5 best selling books.
He is the Author, Creator and Visionary behind the Mind Force Method.
He is also the first person to create an online training curriculum for the advancement of Mind Force and Quantum Qigong.
He is the author and curator of 5 best selling books including, The Chi Power Blueprint, Manipulation, Master Secrets of Hypnosis, Dim Mak Secrets, and Mind Force Secrets.
In this short video and blog post, you'll learn some great insights on how to use words, thoughts and emotions hypnotically...
Just imagine this: what if you have the power to hack a human brain and reprogram it so you can increase your intelligence and the capacity it can have! Sounds incredibly superb, right? Having the mind power to manifest anything you want is possible, as a matter of fact, you can even hack your own brain!
Did you know? We are made up of various layers of energy, frequencies, and vibrations entitled for their specific purposes and functions. Amazingly, the human body is crafted with energy layers which support both its physical and spiritual aspects. It’s when those energies are aligned and worked in harmony that the body achieves its highest human existence. Let’s talk about one of the important energies in the body – the chi energy.
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