OTO-7Day-Master-System-02-2019 - Mind Force Library

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This is Your One Chance to Upgrade Your Order!

Advanced Training Only Available to New Customers. Offer of Enrollment in All Advanced Training As Well as Customer Only Discount Expires Forever Once You Leave This Page .....

"Revealed": Master Secrets That Will Allow You To Build Massive Internal Energy, Hypnotize Anyone, Manifest What You Desire & Enable You To Become a Total Controller!

Allow Me to Make You a Very Limited Offer to Get The Master System in Digital Format and Save 87% Over The Regular Price of $2,361 when purchased Separately

Offer Expires Permanently Once You Leave This Page:

Only $297 (Added to Your Order)

One-Time Upgrade Opportunity For New 7 Day Inception Protocol  Customers ONLY. You Must Act Before Time Runs Out...

You'll receive my entire Master systems INCLUDING THE ADVANCED CHI VIDEO ($250) and THE SEQUENCE MASTER CLASS ($200)Here's all the amazing courses and systems you'll get access to immediately...

The Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Master System

The The Chi Power Blueprint System

The Advanced Chi Video

Internal Power Centers

The Magneto Method

The Mind Portal

Closed Door Hypnosis Files (Includes All Hypnosis Courses)

Dim Mak Secrets

The Goal Getting Seminar

Power of the Mind

The Hypnotic Abundance Affect

Control Factor

Bonus Boot Camps and Master Classes That I'm Throwing
In ($1,000 value)

The Sequence Master Class

This master class will enable to exponentially ramp up your chi energy and power like nothing you've ever experienced...

The Primordial Energy Protocol

This master class is all about how to use your sexual energy to enhance your life and also to realize the pitfalls if you're not careful.

The Dark Side of Mind Force & Qi

This class fully sold out the first time we offered it and at a price of $197 (now it's $497). Truly closed and hidden information you won't find elsewhere.

The Mind Force Manifestation System

Some have said this is "Manifestation on Steroids" and we would agree. This cuts out all the fluff normally taught with the Law of Attraction courses.

Limited Time Fast Action Bonuses

Super Bonus 1:  30 Day Activation System

Super Bonus 2:  

The Classic Collection of Books:

These books will add fuel to the fire of your learning

I've put together some great bonus items for you...These are not just some old rehashed items, but ones I knew you could use in your ability to become a "Controller". Now keep in mind that some of the bonuses are "Secret Bonuses" that only you will know about.

My competition has been copying my stuff since 2001 and I want to make sure that some of it is only for my valued clients. Once you order, many of the bonuses will be right on the Thank You page, while others will be sent to you throughout your first week...

You are going to love them..

Now these bonuses, I can't sell to you, but I can offer them to you under "fair use" copyright law. These bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this very special limited time promotion (just check Amazon.com, if you think I'm kidding).

Bonus Book #1 --Think & Grow Rich

What can I say other than this is one of the books that truly made a major impact on my success in life. This one, you will want to read over and over, because it has so much valuable information that is priceless!

 Value: Priceless

Bonus Book #2 --The Richest Man in Babylon

Here you have a guide to teach you how to handle your money properly. Told in a very easy to read narrative, this is another time-less classic you should not be without.

 Value: Priceless

Bonus Book #3 --The Science of Getting Rich

A common sense guide to put yourself on the road to riches. This books was written in 1910, but the concepts still work in the 21st Century.

 Value: Priceless

Bonus Book #4 --The Art of War

The Ultimate Strategy guide. Can be used for business or any areas of your life. Remember the movie Wall Street with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen? This was the book, Gordon Gecko (Douglas) suggested Bud (Sheen) read on how to become a major player in business.

 Value: Priceless

Super Bonus 3:  

30 Minute Phone Consultation with Al Perhacs

Private Mentoring and Coaching Session

This is Valued at $250 as he usually charges $500/hour for mentoring and coaching calls. Go through the material and then speak to the author, creator and visionary behind the Mind Force Method and get a customized road map for your pathway to excellence.

Value: $250

The Master System Contains the Following Systems and Courses:

Advanced Chi Video- $249

The Sequence Master Class- $197

Chi Power System--$97


Ultimate Hypnotic Influence--$147

Closed Door Self Hypnosis-$67

Rapid Fire--$47

12 Devices That Almost Instantly Hypnotize--$27

The Hypnotic Influence Blueprint--$17

Internal Power Centers--$97


Mind Portal--$97

Goal Getting Seminar--$27

Power of The Mind--$27

Bonus Books--$30

Bonus Master Class- The Primordial Protocol-- $197

Bonus Master Class-- The Manifestation Master Class-- $297

Bonus Master Class-- The Dark Side of Mind Force & Chi-- $497

Total Value if Purchased Separately: $2,361

Important Notice: Programs Presented On This Page Are Not Available With The Same Inclusions At This Price Any Other Time.

I know I’m harping on this point, but it’s because I don’t want there to be any confusion so you don’t miss out.

I’ve received many emails from people a few days or even just hours after they’ve turned down this offer, begging me to make an exception and allow them to enroll - often at DOUBLE the price.

And as much as it has hurt, I’ve had to say no in order to be fair to the folks who DID take action.

YES, Al!, I DEFINITELY want to take advantage of this MASSIVE DISCOUNT... Please add The Complete Master System (PLUS the bonus Master Classes) for just one-puny payment of $297! (I understand that the full retail value of these trainings is over $2,000 and that my 87% discount will NEVER be offered again.)

IMPORTANT: Your Upgrade Is Completely Protected By My 100% Satisfaction 60 Day Guarantee. If  You Aren’t COMPLETELY Satisfied With These Products, just Email My Customer Service In The Next 60 Days For Your Refund AND You Can Keep The Program As My Way Of Saying Thanks.
